Perfluorinated compounds, commonly called PFCs, are a class of chemicals used for decades to repel oil and water from clothing, carpeting, furniture, food packaging and non-stick surfaces on cookware, fire-fighting foams and metal plating. These likely human carcinogens are known to contaminate our products, food, and water and are regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act, Clean Water Act, CERCLA and NPDES.
Contaminated water supplies are common in communities where PFCs were manufactured or used, as well as near airfields or military bases where fire-fighting foam was used in firefighting drills. Contamination can migrate to remote locations from flooding, through natural groundwater flows, or through the air as dust.
The experts at Carbonworks have dealt with PFCs, particularly where fire suppression operations were carried out. PFCs can be removed using granular activated carbon or sacrificial ion exchange resins. Treatment options require many careful considerations. Select grades of GAC absorb better than others due to micropore structure differences. Hydraulic loading and empty bed contact time influence the media’s ability to remove chemicals. Treatment can even be applied to potable water systems using NSF/ANSI 61 approved systems and media.
We have the knowledge and experience to put the right system in place. We’re here to help!