The federal Clean Water Act NPDES program regulates the discharge of pollutants into waters of the U.S. A CWA NPDES permit contains specific provisions tailored to each operation that limits what can be discharged to ensure that the discharge does not harm water quality or the public health.
Dewatering operations and stormwater runoff are common challenges on many construction sites subject to NPDES permitting. Sometimes, best management practices like silt fences, hay bales and settling ponds just aren’t enough to meet permit discharge requirements. Carbonworks can help solve this problem with an active filtration system.
These systems range from simple to highly complex self-monitoring systems. They include mechanical filtration components such as settling tanks, bag filters or sand filters to reduce turbidity. But suspended solids may require flocculation or coagulation methods like injection of any of a broad array of polymers or coagulant agents. Plus, there may be pH, conductivity, toxicology and other concerns…
There is no “one size fits all” solution for discharges as each site presents different challenges. Ask the experts at Carbonworks how to avoid an NPDES violation. We can design a treatment solution for you. Been there, done that.